Today’s Food and Wine Review

Can you believe it’s the end of January already? The day light hours are getting longer here, we’re up to over nine hours between sunrise and sunset. I know that doesn’t sound like a super feat, but when you consider in the dead of winter we only get seven hours and thirty-four minutes of daylight,…

Today’s Wine Review

To celebrate the 4th of July and a rare day off together, I tried a variation on a meal I recently made from Pinterest. I took the original recipe for a Pinwheel Flank Steak and changed it up a bit. Instead of the Italian seasonings, fresh basil and mozzarella, I went spicy. I used chili…

Today’s Wine Review

I like a wide variety of wines, red, white, rosé, still or sparkling, I’m always up to try new wines. As much as I like a good cabernet or zinfandel, I also like a light sparkling moscato. I especially like the bubbly light fruity taste when I pair it with a spicy hot dish. The…

Today’s Wine Review

As promised this is a sampling of some of my dessert and sparkling wine suggestions for the coming celebrations and festivities. Some of these are a bit pricey and there are certainly a wide range of Champagnes and Sparkling wines out there that will fit into all budgets. As for the dessert wines and Ports…

Today’s Wine Review

Today’s Wine Review In two weeks it will be Thanksgiving and the official kick off of the holiday season. I know that the stores have been running ads and specials since before Halloween, but to me Thanksgiving is the starting point. Running around in search of the perfect gift for family, friends and co-workers, promises…

Today’s Wine Review

I’m always on the hunt for a great bottle of wine, especially one that is relatively inexpensive too. When I find a bottle of wine that tastes great and is still within my budget I feel like I’ve gotten away with something. Granted I would dearly love to taste one of those pricey bottles of…

Today’s Wine Review

I love to cook and try new recipes as well as try new wines. Sunday our friends came to dinner and I decided that it would a great opportunity to do both. Our friends are always up for adventures in food and wine and I figured that if the food turned out to be unpalatable…

Today’s Wine Review

Today is Labor Day, a day honoring the American Labor Movement, and most Monday through Friday workers get it off. Mitch doesn’t and I do so we’re a split household. This usually means that while I don’t have to go to my real job that pays the rent, I get the dubious pleasure of doing…

Today’s Wine Review

As far as summers go, this one has been a very mild one around here. I’m not complaining mind you, in light of the previous three summers, this one has been very pleasant, rain now and then, temperatures only hit the nineties a few times, almost picture perfect. The only down side has been that…

Today’s Wine Review

Spring is well under way with sunny skies and warmer temperatures. Sitting around soaking up some sun and gentle breezes also includes sipping lighter wines. Red wine is always in for some, but spring and summer offer lighter fare, more salads, grilled chicken and chilled beverages. There are so many varietals of white wine, so…

Today’s Wine Review

I have the best friends in the world. They know that I’ve started a wine blog and in order for me to have something to write about, they bring me all kinds of different interesting wines to drink. They are my enablers. It’s a perfect relationship, I cook dinner and they bring wine. I fixed…

Today’s Wine Review

I seriously overate last night. I’m still recovering today and see about an hour on the elliptical. We have a tradition that for your birthday, you pick your menu and I will fix it for you. From the salad to the dessert whatever you want, I will fix it from scratch. Last night it was…