Today’s Food and Wine Review

Even though September is almost here, we are still experiencing hot days and cool nights, the sun shines every day and no rain is on the horizon. Summers are truly paradise here in the Pacific Northwest. I planted a garden this year and am harvesting more zucchini, squash and cucumbers than I can keep up…

Today’s Food and Wine Review

My apologies, I haven’t written about any wines or dishes I’ve made. It’s not that I haven’t been drinking or eating, I’ve just not been writing it down. Because our work schedules have been polar opposites, Mitch working nights and me working days, I’ve fallen in a sort of rut, making dishes that are quick…

Today’s Food and Wine Review

Spring has sprung and not a day too soon. The winter here has been sucky to say the least. We had the coldest driest January on record, then the wettest February and March on record. I am so ready for warmer and drier weather. In honor of spring, I fired up the grill and grilled…

Today’s Food and Wine Review

After returning from a recent business trip, we’ve had a busy weekend. First it was a day of wine and chocolate tasting on Saturday on Bainbridge Island. We tasted our way through the island, seven wineries offering up some of their wines along with chocolatiers letting us sample some gourmet chocolates. We drove to the…

Today’s Food and Wine Review

Can you believe it’s the end of January already? The day light hours are getting longer here, we’re up to over nine hours between sunrise and sunset. I know that doesn’t sound like a super feat, but when you consider in the dead of winter we only get seven hours and thirty-four minutes of daylight,…

Today’s Food and Wine Review

For Christmas dinner, I decided on a small standing rib roast, since it was just the two of us. I bought a four pound New York style standing rib roast with nice marbling. The menu for dinner was: Rib Roast with Garlic Hasselback Potatoes Roasted Northwest Style Vegetables Tossed Salad Wine – Pinot Noir I…

Today’s Food and Wine Review

Since most of my wine tasting reviews center around food pairings too, I’ve decided to expand my reviews to include more food reviews. Tonight, I made a special meal, our anniversary dinner. For some, this means dinner out at a nice restaurant, for me making something special and a really nice bottle of wine is…

Today’s Wine Review

Christmas is almost here and the weather across the country is frightful. I think most of the country is in the deep freeze, even here where the temperatures don’t usually dip down in the teens. Surprise, I woke up to sixteen degrees and couldn’t get enough clothes on to keep out the chill. So, in…

Today’s Wine Review

Last night we had a rare evening together so you know that means, yep I cook a real meal and there was wine with dinner. I sautéed pork chops and roasted broccoli for dinner and for the wine I opened a bottle of wine that was a gift from our friends. The wine, a Pinot…

Today’s Wine Review

I had a rare chance to experience a bottle of wine from Chile today. We don’t normally buy wines from Chile or other countries from South America. Maybe it’s a slight bias or lack of knowledge, but I tend to stick to American, Italian, French, Australian and New Zealand wines. Oh yes, and German wines….

Today’s Wine Review

I am always on the hunt for new and tasty wines. In the last few years I’ve tried more blends and which has resulted in more new interesting wines. My latest find is a very nice red blend from California. I must admit I bought the wine because of the label. In honor of the…

Today’sWine Review

I’m squeezing out every opportunity to grill outside before it gets too cold. Yes, I know you can grill outside year round, but when it gets too cold and rainy, it takes longer to warm up the grill and longer to cook the food on the grill. And since I am a rare steak girl,…